Audit and Control of Companies
Duration of studies
4 semesters
Brief presentation of the program
The mission of the master's program is the training of master's students in the field of audit and control specific to companies/economic agents and the development of scientific economic research, focused on these fields. Through the master's program, students can improve and specialize in the mentioned fields of audit and control of companies. Given the development of the private sector in our country, the master's program aims to train and develop skills specific to master students in using the theoretical and practical tools of audit and control of economic agents. The master's program aims, on the one hand, to familiarize master's students with the complex field of auditing, as the audit has evolved progressively from a specific investigation of fraud in accounting documents to a global assessment and a critical analysis of procedures and structures of a company. On the other hand, the master's program intends to familiarize the master students with the aspects of the control activities, which are necessary for the companies at all hierarchical levels.
Qualifications and professions upon graduation (according to the Classification of Occupations in Romania)
COR ACAE: 241105 Internal Auditor / 241102 Chartered Accountant / 241107 Financial Auditor.
Aspects regarding professional practice
Conveying to master students of specialized knowledge, specific to the approached fields, substantiation and completion of previously acquired knowledge, necessary to obtain a high degree of qualification, so that graduates are able to act also in decision-making positions; Training skills and abilities, allowing graduates to apply knowledge and carry out professional activities in the field of regional development, identifying the most appropriate funding sources, developing a grant application, managing funds, implementing the project, carrying out periodical reporting, monitoring projects; Training at the individual level, of general competences (of knowledge, functional activity) and of specialty according to the master's program, the acquisition of specialized knowledge in an operational system to ensure the master students' professional competence; Training master's students for teamwork.
Possibilities for further studies (master's degree, doctorate)
Master's graduates of these research master's programs are informed that the University organizes the Doctoral School in Accounting and issues doctoral degrees in the fields of specialization for which it has the quality of I.O.S.U.D. The doctoral diploma is issued subject to validation by the National Council for Attestation of University Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates, by order of the Minister of Education.
Employment opportunities in the labor market
Also, by completing the master's program, graduates will be able to work in companies whose object of activity is auditing, accounting, expertise, financial audit and evaluation (companies authorized to operate according to CECCAR rules - Body of Expert Accountants and of Certified Accountants from Romania, CAFR - Chamber of Financial Auditors and Romania or ANEVAR - National Association of Appraisers from Romania.
Accounting Information System in Management Decision Making
Duration of studies
4 semesters
Brief presentation of the program
The mission of the master program is to train, improve and specialize master students in the field of accounting, on the segment of using the accounting information system as a main tool in assisting managerial decisions at the level of entities, as well as the development of economic scientific research in this direction. The master's program aims to train and develop specific skills of master students in using the theoretical and practical tools of the accounting information system.
Qualifications and professions upon graduation (according to the Classification of Occupations in Romania)
COR SICADM: 241105 Internal Auditor / 241102 Chartered Accountant/ 241107 Financial Auditor
The general objectives of this study program are the following:
- the involvement of the higher education institution in the training of specialists in the field of accounting and especially of the use of accounting information in support of managerial decisions;
- continuous adaptation of this form of education to the real needs of the labor market at national and international level and compatibility of study programs with those in university centers in Romania and abroad;
- creating permanent informational links between the educational institution and the organizational environment at the level of which decisions are taken;
- the development of economic scientific research activities, focused on the accounting field and especially of the managerial decisions and implicitly, the initial training of the future PhD students in this field of study.
Professional competences:
- the capacity of critical-constructive interpretation of the accounting phenomena and its role at the level of an entity's management;
- the ability to organize and exercise tasks specific to accounting;
- the ability to analyze financial reports for different types of entities;
- formulating professional approaches based on the applicative character of accounting and taxation, on the skills formed by the assimilation of accounting technique and on the skills of using specific software products;
- the ability to communicate professionally the information specific to the computerized accounting in order to evaluate the strategic and operational decisions of the entity;
- the ability to investigate the economic phenomena recorded in accounting, risk assessment in order to formulate an opinion on financial reporting;
- developing the capacity for independent analysis, synthesis and interpretation of accounting information in order to assess economic problems;
- the ability to elaborate strategies regarding the accounting and management policy of the entities;
- the ability to understand the managerial function on different hierarchical steps; - developing the capacity to elaborate financial studies, feasibility studies, business plans, ensuring the capacity to apply the techniques of analysis of accounting information;
- the ability to lead and execute interdisciplinary research activities; - investigation of complex economic states and situations in order to communicate and demonstrate with arguments the results of their own evaluation;
Transversal skills:
- the ability to work independently and / or in a team, to identify solutions to solve specific economic problems in providing accounting information necessary for the management of entities;
- the ability to identify opportunities for in-service training, including in languages of international circulation;
- the ability to efficiently capitalize on resources and learning techniques for one's own development;
- the possibility of enrollment in professional bodies in the field of accounting (the program is recognized by the Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants of Romania regarding the access of graduates to the profession of chartered accountant.
Possibilities for further studies (master's degree, doctorate)
Master's graduates of these research master's programs are informed that the University organizes the Doctoral School in Accounting and issues doctoral degrees in the fields of specialization for which it has the quality of I.O.S.U.D. The doctoral diploma is issued subject to validation by the National Council for Attestation of University Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates, by order of the Minister of Education.
Employment opportunities in the labor market
The graduates of this specialization have the opportunity to independently exercise the profession, as an expert accountant, financial auditor, evaluator, tax consultant within the organizational structures authorized to operate according to the norms issued by the professional bodies in the field, respectively C.E.C.C.A.R. – Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants of Romania, C.A.F.R. - Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania, A.S.P.A.A.S. – Authority for Public Supervision of the Activity of statutory audit, C.C.F. - Chamber of Tax Consultants, A.N.E.V.A.R. – National Association of Evaluators in Romania.
Business Administration in Trade, Tourism and Services
Duration of studies
4 semesters
Short presentation of the program
The Master's program addresses detailed issues related to the bachelor's degree specialization The Economy of Trade, Tourism and Services, respectively Business Administration, being an extension to a higher level of qualification of the bachelor's degree program. The mission of the master's program is to train master students in the field of Business Administration and the development of economic scientific research, centered on trade, tourism, and services. Through the master program, the students can improve themselves in the specializations in the aforementioned field. In the conditions of the development of the private sector in our country, the master's program aims to develop competences and develop specific skills of master students in using theoretical and practical tools of business administration in the field of trade, tourism, and services.
The possibility to carry out activities in accordance with the specialization of business administration in production firms, services, business consultancy, business incubators, business consultancy and intermediation centers, real estate business centers, credit and financial banking institutions, insurance companies, etc. Upon completion of their studies, graduates can occupy positions such as: Tourism Manager, Process Improvement Manager, Innovation Manager, Quality Management Systems Manager.
The main disciplines studied
Among the disciplines studied are: Marketing of tourist destinations; Event tourism planning and organization; Business management; Cost benefit analysis; Production and marketing of tourist services; Management of international trade operations; Marketing of fairs and exhibitions; Management of tourism operations; Communication, negotiation and business partnership; Domestic and international market research.
Aspects regarding professional practice
Conveying to master students of specialized knowledge, specific to the approached fields, substantiation and completion of previously acquired knowledge, necessary to obtain a high degree of qualification, so that graduates are able to act also in decision-making positions; Training skills and abilities, allowing graduates to apply knowledge and carry out professional activities in the field of business administration,; Training at the individual level, of general competences (of knowledge, functional activity) and of specialty according to the master's program, the acquisition of specialized knowledge in an operational system to ensure the master students' professional competence; Training master's students for teamwork.
Possibilities for further studies (master's degree, doctorate)
Master's graduates of these research master's programs are informed that the University organizes the Doctoral School in Accounting and issues doctoral degrees in the fields of specialization for which it has the quality of I.O.S.U.D. The doctoral diploma is issued subject to validation by the National Council for Attestation of University Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates, by order of the Minister of Education.
Employment opportunities in the labor market
By completing the master's program, the graduates will be able to carry out their activity within the commercial companies whose object of activity is trade, tourism, respectively services.
Acquired skills: the ability to start a business, the development and successful implementation of a business plan, the ability to assess complex issues related to business in trade, tourism, services, independent analysis of specific situations in the field of business administration.
Administration of Sustainable Regional Development
Duration of studies
4 semesters
Brief presentation of the program
The mission of the Master's Program is to specialize in higher education graduates in the field of regional development, by acquiring solid theoretical knowledge and developing practical and research skills to ensure their access as professionals to the labor market in today's competitive European environment. The motivation for training in this field is generated by the need to implement regional development policies aimed at reducing disparities between different regions at both national and European level. This involves both the training of specialists in the field of implementation of regional policies, as well as a special training in the management of European funds, the implementation of development projects and the analysis of their impact on the socio-economic development of the regions.
Qualifications and professions upon graduation (according to the Classification of Occupations in Romania)
Upon completion of their studies, graduates have the opportunity to carry out activities in line with the specialization of sustainable regional development management, business consulting, business incubators, business consulting and intermediation centers, credit and financial banking institutions, where they can successfully hold positions within a project team such as: project manager, manager / financial manager, legal manager, procurement manager, expert monitoring activities specific to the project, expert in setting up the target group and selecting the target group, assistant project manager, etc.
The main disciplines studied
The main disciplines studied are: Business initiation and development; Economic development strategies and policies; International economic cooperation; Business management; Controlling and budgeting; Structural convergence; Public procurement; Marketing strategies; Project Cycle Management; European funding instruments.
Aspects regarding professional practice
Conveying to master students of specialized knowledge, specific to the approached fields, substantiation and completion of previously acquired knowledge, necessary to obtain a high degree of qualification, so that graduates are able to act also in decision-making positions; Training skills and abilities, which allow graduates to apply knowledge and perform professional activities in the field of regional development, identify the most appropriate sources of funding, develop a funding application, manage funds, implement the project, make regular reports, monitor projects; Training at individual level, general competencies (knowledge, functional-reactionary) and specialized according to the master's program, acquiring specialized knowledge in an operational system to ensure master's professional competence; Training master's students for teamwork.
Possibilities for further studies (master's degree, doctorate)
Master's graduates of these research master's programs are informed that the University organizes the Doctoral School in Accounting and issues doctoral degrees in the fields of specialization for which it has the quality of I.O.S.U.D. The doctoral diploma is issued subject to validation by the National Council for Attestation of University Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates, by order of the Minister of Education.
Employment opportunities in the labor market
By completing the master's program, graduates will be able to work in public and / or private institutions that have or are interested in developing a project management department, writing projects, implementing, and monitoring them in all areas of activity. Acquired skills: the ability to identify a source of funding according to the specific needs of the organization, the development and successful implementation of a funding application / business plan, the ability to assess complex issues related to project management, independent analysis specific implementation and reporting situations to funders. Graduates of this specialization may hold positions such as: Expert in accessing European structural and cohesion funds, Company information analyst, Sustainable development expert, Business consultant, European funds consultant, etc.
Tax Law and Financial Management
Duration of studies
4 semesters
Brief presentation of the program
The mission of the master's program is to provide the knowledge, skills and attitudes to create the skills needed to train specialists in taxation and financial management. Structured in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna process, the master's program as part of the educational portfolio of the Faculty of Economics, aims to develop a skills profile in line with the needs identified in the labor market and with the national qualifications framework, which would offer graduates the opportunity to become specialists in the field of taxation and financial management.
Qualifications and professions upon graduation (according to the Classification of Occupations in Romania)
Tax expert - COR code 241221 Risk manager - COR code 241240 Investment consultant - COR code 241269
Aspects regarding professional practice
Professional competencies:
C1. Adequate capacity for use in concrete economic situations a theoretical tools, concepts and methods specific to taxation;
C2. Adequate capacity for use in concrete economic situations a theoretical tools, concepts and methods specific to financial management in private and public organizations;
3. Ability to collect, analyze and interpret data and information related to taxation;
4. Ability to collect, analyze and interpret data and information related to specific aspects of financial management;
C5. Ability to perform tax works at the level of private and public entities /organizations;
6. Ability to perform specific works of financial management at the level of private and public entities /organizations;
7. Execution of operations and transactions with fiscal implications specific to private and public entities /organizations;
8. Execution of operations and transactions specific to financial management within private and public entities /organizations;
C9. Implementation of tools specific to financial management, including plans and budgets at the level of private and public entities /organizations;
10. Ability to make and implement financial decisions within private and public entities /organizations;
C11. Use of methods and techniques of econometric substantiation of complex problems specific to the financial field;
12. Identifying, analyzing and solving specific problems financial management and taxation, based on information technology, using specific tools;
C13. Use of IT resources in financial and fiscal management;
C14. Information processing in order to prepare reports in the field of financial management and taxation;
C15. Information processing in order to prepare reports in the field of financing and investment;
C16. Appropriate use of concepts, theories, paradigms and legal methodologies;
C17. Application of techniques and tools specific to the legal field;
C18. Application of Romanian legislation, European legislation and other international legal instruments;
C19. Critical-constructive interpretation of direct taxes at the level taxpayers and the elaboration of reasoned value judgments;
C20. Critical-constructive interpretation of international taxation at the level of companies and non-resident individuals and elaboration of reasoned value judgments;
C21. Ability to organize and perform tasks specific to direct taxes;
C22. Ability to organize and perform tasks specific to international taxation;
C23. Operating with hypotheses and techniques specific to fiscal management;
C24. Operating with hypotheses and techniques specific to investment management;
C25. Designing the various decision-making options necessary for fiscal strategies;
C26. Designing the various decision-making options necessary for financing strategies;
C27. Designing the various decision-making options necessary for international fiscal strategies;
C28. Diversification and completion of fiscal and accounting knowledge, interdisciplinary approach to economic operations in order to ensure the possibility to provide consulting services in the field of taxation;
C29. Interdisciplinary approach to economic operations in view of ensuring the possibility to offer investment consulting services;
C30. Diversification and completion of fiscal and accounting knowledge, interdisciplinary approach to economic operations in order to ensure the possibility to provide consulting services in the field of international taxation;
C31. Ability to identify risks of the organization's activity and treat them accordingly, for optimal financial results.
Transversal skills
CT1. Development of logical and cognitive analysis mechanisms necessary for financial management and taxation;
CT2. Contextual integration of taxation and financial management aspects in the current dynamics of the economy;
CT3. Applying the principles, norms and values of professional ethics within one's own rigorous, efficient and responsible work strategy;
CT4. Identify roles and responsibilities in a team including economic scientific research networks and the application of effective relationship and work techniques in the field of teamwork.
CT5. Identifying opportunities for continuous training and efficient use of resources and learning techniques for their own development.
CT6. Ability to work independently and / or in a team, to identify solutions for solving problems and cases specific to direct taxes;
CT7. Ability to work independently and / or in a team, to identify solutions for solving problems and cases specific to international taxation;
CT8. Ability to capitalize efficiently on learning resources and techniques for one's own development;
CT9. Possibility of enrollment in professional bodies in the field of tax consulting;
CT10. Effective cooperation in professional, interdisciplinary work teams specific to the development of projects and programs in the field of education sciences;
CT11. Promoting the values associated with the achievement of a quality education, in accordance with the internal educational policies and in accordance with those elaborated and popularized at European level, based on the knowledge of the specificity of the European educational field and of interculturality;
CT12. Ability to identify continuing education opportunities;
CT13. Development of logical and cognitive analysis mechanisms necessary for investment and financing management;
CT14. Ability to work independently and / or in a team, to identify solutions for solving problems and cases specific to the field of investments.
Possibilities for further studies (master's degree, doctorate)
Master's graduates of these research master's programs are informed that the University organizes the Doctoral School in Accounting and issues doctoral degrees in the fields of specialization for which it has the quality of I.O.S.U.D. The doctoral diploma is issued subject to validation by the National Council for Attestation of University Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates, by order of the Minister of Education.
Employment opportunities in the labor market
Master's students can work in entities specific to the financial-banking sector (banks, public institutions, insurance companies, insurance brokers, capital market brokers), in companies or as free lancers.
Banks, Insurance and Financial Markets
Duration of studies
4 semesters
Brief presentation of the program
The mission of the master's program is to highly train specialists in banking, insurance, financial analysis and capital markets. The master's program also aims to develop economic scientific research focused on these areas. The master's program aims to train and develop skills, abilities and competencies needed in the execution and decision-making processes, specific to the banking, insurance, and financial markets.
Qualifications and professions upon graduation (according to the Classification of Occupations in Romania)
After graduation, they will have the opportunity to carry out activities in accordance with the specialization Marketing and sales promotion, respectively in the departments of Marketing, Sales, Public Relations or Advertising Agencies. Graduates of this specialization can hold positions such as: Brand manager, Fair and exhibition organizer, Customer service analyst, Marketing specialist, etc.
The main disciplines studied
The main disciplines studied are: Consumer psychology; Content Marketing; Online marketing; Advertising and media planning; Customer relationship management; Marketing methods and models; Qualitative research; Brand portfolio management; Organizing promotional campaigns; Strategic marketing.
Aspects regarding professional practice
Conveying to master students of specialized knowledge, specific to the approached fields, substantiation and completion of previously acquired knowledge necessary to obtain a high degree of qualification; training skills and abilities, which allow graduates to apply knowledge and perform professional activities in the field of marketing and sales; training at individual level, general competencies (knowledge, functional-reactionary) and specialized according to the master's program, acquiring specialized knowledge in an operational system; training master students for teamwork.
General skills: knowledge, understanding and use of concepts, theories, principles and fundamental methods of investigation and prospecting specific to economics; explaining and interpreting ideas, processes, phenomena, states and trends specific to the activity at micro and macroeconomic level in specific contexts of the knowledge-based society; collecting, analyzing and interpreting quantitative and qualitative data and information on a defined issue; analysis of states and situations and taking on responsibilities to solve problems, communicate and demonstrate the results of one's activity; the ability to work independently or in a team to solve problems in defined professional contexts; use of modern information technology for word processing, information processing and accessing activity-specific databases from different organizational structures; professional and written communication for professional purposes in at least one language of international circulation.
Specialized skills: ability to organize events and other promotional activities in the category of public relations; designing the phases and stages of a quantitative and qualitative marketing research; web design, organization of online advertising campaigns; making a media plan; organization of promotional events (fairs and exhibitions); moderating Focus Groups and in-depth interviews; brand management.
Possibilities for further studies (master's degree, doctorate)
Master's graduates of these research master's programs are informed that the University organizes the Doctoral School in Accounting and issues doctoral degrees in the fields of specialization for which it has the quality of I.O.S.U.D. The doctoral diploma is issued subject to validation by the National Council for Attestation of University Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates, by order of the Minister of Education.
Employment opportunities in the labor market
By completing the master's program, graduates will be able to work in any type of entity, be they public institutions (in the departments of Public Relations or Marketing), or companies whose object of activity is production, trade, tourism, or services. Because the skills acquired also provide them with the ability to start a business, develop and successfully implement a business plan, the ability to assess complex business issues, graduates will have the ability to develop their own business, especially in the field of marketing: advertising agencies, event organizers, etc.
Marketing and Sales Promotion
Duration of studies
4 semesters
Brief presentation of the program
The Master program addresses detailed issues related to the Marketing specialization, being an extension to a higher qualification level of the undergraduate study program. The mission of the Marketing and Sales Promotion program is to provide the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to create the skills needed to train professionals in marketing, advertising, and sales promotion, so that they are able to develop and implement effective marketing strategies for companies in various fields of activity and to plan and coordinate successful promotional campaigns.
Qualifications and professions upon graduation (according to the Classification of Occupations in Romania)
After graduation, they will have the opportunity to carry out activities in accordance with the Marketing and Sales Promotion specialization, respectively in the Marketing, Sales, Public Relations or Advertising Agencies departments. Graduates of this specialization can occupy positions such as: Brand manager, Fairs and Exhibition Organizer, Customer Services Analyst, Marketing Specialist, etc.
The main disciplines studied
The main disciplines studied are: Consumer Psychology; Content Marketing; Online marketing; Advertising and media planning; Customer relationship management; Methods and models in marketing; Qualitative research; Brand portfolio management; Organizing promotional campaigns; Strategic marketing.
Aspects of professional practice
Objectives: conveying to master students of specialized knowledge, specific to the approached fields, the foundation and completion of the previously acquired knowledge, necessary to obtain a high degree of qualification; training skills and abilities, which allow graduates to apply knowledge and perform professional activities in the field of marketing and sales; training at individual level, general competencies (knowledge, functional-reactionary) and specialized according to the master's program, acquiring specialized knowledge in an operational system; training master students for teamwork. General skills: knowledge, understanding and use of concepts, theories, principles and fundamental methods of investigation and prospecting specific to economics; explaining and interpreting ideas, processes, phenomena, states and trends specific to the activity at micro and macroeconomic level in specific contexts of the knowledge-based society; collecting, analyzing and interpreting quantitative and qualitative data and information on a defined issue; analysis of states and situations and taking on responsibilities to solve problems, communicate and demonstrate the results of one's activity; the ability to work independently or in a team to solve problems in defined professional contexts; use of modern information technology for word processing, information processing and accessing activity-specific databases from different organizational structures; professional and written communication for professional purposes in at least one language of international circulation. Specialized skills: ability to organize events and other promotional activities in the category of public relations; designing the phases and stages of a quantitative and qualitative marketing research; web design, organization of online advertising campaigns; making a media plan; organization of promotional events (fairs and exhibitions); moderating Focus Groups and in-depth interviews; brand management.
Possibilities for further studies (master's degree, doctorate)
Master's graduates of these research master's programs are informed that the University organizes the Doctoral School in Accounting and issues doctoral degrees in the fields of specialization for which it has the quality of I.O.S.U.D. The doctoral diploma is issued subject to validation by the National Council for Attestation of University Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates, by order of the Minister of Education.
Employment opportunities in the labor market
By completing the master's program, graduates will be able to work in any type of entity, be they public institutions (in the departments of Public Relations or Marketing), or economic agents whose object of activity is production, trade, tourism, or services. Because the skills acquired also provide them with the ability to start a business, successfully develop and implement a business plan, the ability to assess complex business issues, graduates will have the ability to develop their own business, especially in the field of marketing: advertising agencies, event organizers, etc.
MBA – Master in Business administration (in English)
Length of studies: 2 years , full time, 120 ECTS
Have you considered working in business, running or developing businesses? If so, this unique MBA will provide the high quality training and education you need. You will develop the professional skills required to develop and run businesses in the 21st century. Your studies will build up a foundation of knowledge of current professional principles and practice on which to base your career.
"1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania, gives you the unique opportunity to develop your expertise in the field of business, management and administration in accordance with the current and future trends in the field of economics, curriculum theory and practice, information technology and communication, design and assessment, providing quality and efficient conditions for education.
What will I be studying
The MBA provides the opportunity to choose between professional training for a future career in business administration and a more specialist research path for those with a strong interest in Business Studies who wish to undertake research or work in the business administration sector.
Curriculum includes courses that provide training in the theory and practice of business administration, e.g.: Business Strategies and Models, Business Communication and Negociation, Accounting and Business Consultancy, Financial Performance Analysis, E-Business, Business Ethics and CSR, Taxation, Investments and Aquisitions, Project Cycle Management, Contemporary Issues in Business Management, Business Law and Mediation, On-line Marketing Research, International Affairs and Globalization, Practice in Business Consultancy, Entrepreneurial Culture and Business Development, Organizational Change and Innovation Management, Global Affairs Management, Economic Scientific Research, Conflict Management, Research for Final Thesis
Career prospects
Business life is one of the driving forces in contemporary society. It"s also the most important employer on the labour market. Fortunately, your Business Administration Master degree gives you excellent options for a successful business career.
After you successfully complete the Master of Business Administration you will have the opportunity to advance in your career in mid-to-upper level management professions at organizations of all sizes and types both in the private and public sector, such as:
• multinational companies, banks, pension funds and insurance companies (e.g. as a financial analyst)
• companies of all sizes in all industries (e.g. as a manager)
• government ministries (e.g. as an advisor)
• academic institutions (e.g. as a lecturer)
• consulting companies (e.g. as a management or business consultant)
• start-up companies (e.g. as an entrepreneur: starting your own business)
Why study in Alba Iulia?
The Master of Business Administration offers a unique opportunity to undertake a postgraduate degree in a vibrant research-led environment that prides itself on its national and international status. The opportunity for experiential and hands-on learning through interships and practical courses combined with the unparalleled opportunity to work with outstanding and dedicated academics offer students the chance to graduate after acquiring a unique set of skills and knowledge.
The Master of Business Administration has been developed by the members of the Department of Economics and Business Administration. The Department is highly rated in Romania with active research groups in business administration.
The beautiful and historic city of Alba Iulia provides a stimulating and picturesque backdrop to your master experience.
How to apply
Academic requirements
The applicants must present study papers issued by accredited / recognized educational institutions, have good results in education, respectively an average of the study years of at least 7 (seven) corresponding to the scoring system in Romania or the "Good" score, as the case.
English language requirements
For acknowledged study programs that are carried out in foreign languages, the receiving high education institution will organize a foreign language test. The persons that come from countries where the official language is the language in which the courses are run and the persons who have an internationally acknowledged language certificate will be exempt from this test.
Registration requirements
International students from outside the EU who wish to attend a degree programme must comply with the national legislation and "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia Charter.