
Scientific Research Center


About the Scientific Research Center (CCS)

The Center for Scientific Research (CCS) serves all departments within faculties as well as research centers. The main objective of CCS is to increase institutional performance and improve the quality of scientific research conducted in the university.

Scientific research

The scientific research activity is carried out in accordance with the Strategic Plan of the university and the Scientific Research Strategy, with the national and international scientific research programs.


I. Establishment, organization, structure and headquarters

Art. 1. (1) The Centre for Scientific Research continues its mission to stimulate growth

performance in the research activity carried out at university level of the former structure Center for Scientific Research and Technology Transfer, after the technology transfer activities returned to a new management structure (Center for Technology Transfer), which took over these attributions in May 2019.

(2) The Centre for Scientific Research shall be abbreviated by CCŞ, a name which shall be used hereafter, as well as in the documents elaborated by the Centre.

(3) CCS is a management structure for consultancy activities and implementation of scientific research strategy.

Art. 2. (1) The CCS is organized and operates in accordance with the provisions of the National Education Law no. 1/2011, the Charter of the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia and the decisions of the Senate of the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, hereinafter referred to as the University Senate.

(3) The SCC is a structure established by Senate Decision.

(4) CCS has no legal personality, being legally represented by the University "1

December 1918" from Alba Iulia. CCS carries out its activity according to the operating regulations approved by the University Senate.

Art. 3. (1) The SCC is headed by a director appointed by competition organized by the Rector.

(2) The Centre has its own organizational chart approved by the University Senate.

Art. 4. The headquarters of CCS is at "1 Decembrie 1918" University, Apor Palace, Gabriel Street

Bethlen, Nr. 5, 510009, Alba Iulia, Romania.


II. Vision, mission, objectives

Art. 5. The vision of the Center is in line with the Scientific Research Strategy of the University

"1 December 1918" in Alba Iulia regarding scientific research, innovation and technology transfer defined by the University Charter and fits into the proposal for a national strategy in the field of research and innovation.

Art. 6. The mission of the center is to implement the Scientific Research Strategy of the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia. Center for Scientific Research

contributes to monitoring and achieving an efficient management of research results, stimulating planning activities and implementing national strategies and policies designed to ensure a high level of performance of scientific research in the "1Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, in a national and international context.

Art. 7. The objectives of the CCSTT are:

General objectives

  1. Increasing the visibility of the research results of the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia regionally, nationally and internationally.
  2. Promoting quality, ethics and integrity in scientific research within the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia.
  3. Consolidation of resources necessary for carrying out scientific research at the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia.
  4. Strengthening the dimension of national and international cooperation.
  5. Supporting the achievement of a climate of trust and scientific cooperation between the teaching staff of the university based on compliance with the norms of ethics and integrity in scientific research. Specific objectives

1. Financial support of CNCS classified periodicals, edited within the Departments of the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia.

2. Monitoring and management of the results of the scientific research activity carried out by the teachers and researchers of the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia.

3. Supporting the improvement of research results and increasing the scientific and training level of teachers and researchers of the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia.

4. Supporting the formation of skills specific to scientific research activity among students and master students of the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia.

5. Improving access to documentation resources necessary for the scientific research activity carried out at the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia.

6. Supporting the increase of regional, national and international visibility of the results obtained by the teachers and researchers of the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia.

7. Providing specialized advice for partnerships at local, regional and national level, in the field of scientific research.

Reporting objectives

Realization and management of multiannual records of scientific research results according to internal and external periodic evaluation requirements.

Art. 8. Starting from the objectives and national strategy for the development of scientific research, CCS has the role of elaborating proposals that it submits to the University management regarding:

a) priorities in research-development-innovation programs at national and international level;

b) ways of allocating resources, financing needs of centers, research-development-innovation units, improving the material base necessary for research;

c) establishing actions leading to increased performance in scientific research;

d) informing teachers and researchers about the UEFISCDI calendar in the field of awarding research results.

Art. 9. CCSTTT has the following attributions:

a) provides advice and information to the structures of the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia regarding the research activity;

b) draws up annually a report on the research activity carried out at the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia and comes up with new proposals for improving the research activity in the University. The report will be presented to the Commission for Scientific Research, Technology Transfer, Projects and Resources and to the University Senate.


III. Patrimoniu. Finanţare

Art. 10. (1) The patrimony consists of the technical-material base Apor Palace Building, ground floor (halls)

Apor 1 and Apor 2), "1 Decembrie 1918" University, as well as the facilities provided by the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia.

(2) The patrimony shall develop progressively as a result of the activities carried out within the projects regarding the support and complementary actions, carried out with own funding, national and international, as well as through acquisitions from own revenues, donations, sponsorships, being inventoried and recorded in the material base records according to the legal procedures of the university.

Art. 11. The financial resources of the center consist of revenues from the budget and own revenues, corresponding to the activities carried out on a contractual basis, in compliance with the legislation in force, as well as donations and sponsorships, as follows:

a. funds granted through project-based financing;

b. funds distributed from the university's own funds;

c. training fees, training from contracts with third parties;

d. consultancy fees, expertise, experimental tests, services to third parties;

e. fees for participation in training sessions, workshops initiated by third parties;

f. sponsorships, donations, subsidies, concessions, other sources constituted according to the laws in force.


IV. Competenţe

Art. 12 (1) CCS is competent to implement the University's strategies and policies in the field of education, research, development and innovation in accordance with the dynamics of the national strategy of the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research.

(2) In implementing the management strategies and policies of the CCS:

a. facilitate access to information on standards and ethics of scientific research.

b. provides assistance in selecting and establishing partnerships on scientific research.

V. Relaţii

Art. 13. (1) The SCC is subordinated to the University Senate and is coordinated by the Vice-Rector


(2) The SCC shall establish internal collaboration relations with faculties, departments, research centres and DGA.

(3) CCS establishes external cooperation relations with UEFISCDI, CNFIS,

Management, Implementation Units, Regional Bodies, Agency Departments

Regional Development, County Council, Local Councils, other authorities, institutions and organizations as well as similar entities abroad.

VI. Activities

Art. 14. The SCC performs the following activities:

a. establish and maintain the website of the Centre through which the transfer is made; and

dissemination of knowledge on the Centre's work.

b. manages the on-line database on scientific research.

c. supports the creation of web pages of CNCS accredited scientific journals, their connection to the CCS website, as well as the online promotion of the content of University journals.

d. check the files with the documentation corresponding to the continuous evaluation process of

journals from the University for their accession in the categories recognized by CNCS, indexing them in International Databases, indexing in Clarivate, in order to increase their impact nationally and internationally.

e. establishes criteria for increasing quality in organizing national and international scientific events to attract renowned specialists nationally and internationally.

f. initiates research collaborations with higher education and research institutions in the country and abroad.

g. informs the teaching staff and researchers of the University in order to conclude subscriptions for access to international databases of scientific literature.

h. expands collaboration relations with universities and research institutes abroad.

j. verifies the preparation of the documentation necessary for the establishment and accreditation of research and excellence units, as well as their re-accreditation.

k. prepares the necessary documentation for reporting to UEFISCDI regarding the scientific research activity carried out in the University.

VII. Cessation of activity

Art. 15. CCS ceases its activity by decision of the University Senate.

VIII. Final provisions

Art. 16. (1) This Regulation enters into force on the date of its adoption by the Decision of the University Senate.

(2) The Regulation may be amended and supplemented by the Decision of the University Senate. In carrying out the activities covered by this Regulation, the European regulations imposed by REGULATION no. 679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation), the national ones transposed by Law no. 190 of 18 July 2018 on measures to implement Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and internal regulations developed within the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia (Regulation on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, applicable within the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia,  privacy policies).








  • Statute of the Research Center -




(1) The founder of the Scientific Research Center in the field of public law and private law is the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences within the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia.

(2) The Centre is established as a structure without legal personality within the Department of Legal and Administrative Sciences of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences by the Decision of the Senate of the "1 Decembrie 1918" University dated May 23, 2007.



(1) The name of the structure established by this statute is that of Scientific Research Centre in the field of public and private law, hereinafter referred to as the Centre.

(2) The headquarters of the Center are located in building C of the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, at the address in Alba Iulia, str. N. Iorga, no.11-13, ground floor.



The Centre is an autonomous organizational structure, without legal personality, within the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences.



1. The Centre shall have its own assets.

(2) The movable and immovable property that is transferred for use to the Center belongs to the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, respectively to the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia and shall be managed by the governing bodies of the Center, autonomously, throughout its functioning, under the authority of the Faculty Council.



(1) The strategy of the Centre is that, by involving university professors and justice specialists, bar associations, public notaries and central and local public administration, to ensure an organized framework for scientific research and debates, allowing the raising of functional and professional performance indicators to the level of the international standard, especially that which currently exists in higher education institutions and in the public administrations of the Member States of the European Union.

2. The research sectors of the Centre shall be as follows:

a) Constitutional law and political institutions;

b). Criminal law and criminal procedure;

c). Forensics and criminology;

d). Commercial law;

e). Financial law;

f). Administrative law and science of administration;

g). Banking law;

h). Drept vamal;

i). Civil law and civil procedure;

j). Environmental law;

k). Community law;

l). Family law;

m). Transport law.



(1) The Centre aims at the following research objectives:

- fundamental and applied multidisciplinary research in the field of public and private law in the context of the Bologna process;

- studying the legislation regulating the organization and functioning of the legislative and executive power in Romania, in order to notice the dysfunctions and deficiencies that currently exist at their level, followed by making proposals for improving the activity in the future by modernizing and updating the legislative framework, materialized in suggestions for correcting functional aspects and in proposals for amending the existing legislation at all levels for the future;

- stimulating creativity and initiative among teachers, master students, students and specialists in the field of public administration;

- organizing professional training courses lasting at least 2 years, for staff with medium training in public administration;

- creation of information modules for citizens in the field of human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as their rights in relations with public administration;

- popularization of conditions of recruitment and employment of civil servants;

- organization of seminars and conferences on the knowledge of Community legislation and the functioning mechanisms of the Community institutional system;

- initiating public debates, seminars and round tables on topics related to the functioning of public administration;

- stimulating students, master students and teachers in the study of constitutional, criminal and criminal procedural law, commercial, banking, foreign exchange, civil and civil procedure, environment, and community, by participating in symposiums and internal and international sessions of scientific communications, round tables, as well as by stimulating and encouraging collaborations with specialized journals.

(2) The Centre's activities shall be subsumed under the following requirements: knowledge and correct application of legislation; stimulating creativity and originality in the daily activity of civil servants and other categories of personnel working at all levels of public administration; changing the mentality and attitude of students, but also of practitioners in order to orient their conduct towards research and development, innovation and progress; increasing efficiency and efficiency in solving citizens' problems; raising awareness among public authorities and civil society of the need for reform of the public administration sector as a whole.



(1) The financing of the Centre's activities is ensured from the financial resources of the "1 Decembrie 1918" University, of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, as well as from other sources, such as donations, sponsorships, grants, etc., according to the provisions of the Centre's Operating Regulation is approved in the Senate meeting of the "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia.

(2) The initial material base of the Centre consists of 2 rooms, one intended for secretarial activity and one for arranging a working point, documentation and information for researchers, teachers, students, master students, other specialists and practitioners in the field of public administration.

(3) The Center may use, free of charge, the study and research facilities existing within the "1 Decembrie 1918" University and the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, respectively computer laboratories equipped with licensed computers and software, laboratories and multi-media technology, libraries, classrooms, auditoriums, etc., with the approval of the Rector of the University, respectively of the Dean of the Faculty.

(4) The revenues obtained at the level of the Centre shall be used exclusively for the research and development activity within the Centre or the Faculty.



(1) The following categories of members activate within the Centre: active members, associate members, external collaborating members, honorary members and corresponding members.


A. Active members

Active members of the Center, tenured professors from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences who request this through a written request.

Master students and students from the specializations existing within the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, as well as from complementary specializations within the "1 Decembrie 1918" University or from its partner universities, can acquire this quality, at the proposal of at least two active members of the Center.

Applications for active membership in the Centre shall be approved by the Scientific Council by simple majority vote of the members present.

Active members may not belong, under penalty of losing this quality, to the scientific council of another scientific research center within the "1 Decembrie 1918" University or outside it.

Active membership shall be lost by death, resignation or exclusion, which shall be decided by the Scientific Council by a simple majority of the votes of the members present.


B. Associate Members

Associate members can acquire personalities of public and scientific life, doctoral supervisors, other prestigious specialists who do not have the quality of professors within the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, but who want to contribute to the scientific research activity through the personal experience they have acquired to the academic scientific recognition of the Center.

The associate membership shall be acquired at the proposal of a member of the Scientific Council, based on the simple majority vote of the members of the Scientific Council present at the meeting.

Public institutions or legal entities whose object of activity is associated with activities that overlap or are tangent to scientific research carried out within the Centre may also be associate members.


C. External collaborating members

External collaborators, personalities of public and scientific life abroad, professors, doctoral supervisors, other prestigious specialists from universities located abroad, which are partners of the "1 Decembrie 1918" University, who manifest their availability to contribute with their own research effort and personal experience to the development and national and international scientific recognition of the Center, can acquire the quality of members.

The quality of external collaborating member is acquired at the proposal of a member of the Scientific Council, with the simple majority vote of the members of the Scientific Council present at the meeting.


D. Honorary members

The Scientific Council may award the honorary membership of the Centre to personalities from scientific and public life who have asserted themselves in the field of law and administrative sciences through papers or other contributions of exceptional value, recognized in the country or abroad.


And. Membri corespondenţi

Teachers, researchers, dignitaries, other Romanian or foreign specialists in the fields of interest of the Center or in complementary fields may become corresponding members, at the proposal of at least 3 active members and with the agreement of the Scientific Council obtained by simple majority of the members present.

(2) Membership shall be personal and non-transferable.



(1) Membership shall be lost by: resignation, irrevocable conviction for an offense incompatible with such an academic state, or exclusion for non-participation in the activities of the Centre or for activities contrary to the interests of the Centre, Faculty or University.

(2) The resignation shall be submitted in writing and shall be substantiated. It shall be deposited with the Director of the Centre and shall become effective from the moment of registration.

3. Members of the Centre who do not participate in its activities for one academic year may be excluded.

(4) The loss of membership shall be established and pronounced by the Scientific Council by simple majority vote, except for resignation, in which case this quality shall be automatically lost on the date of registration of the document informing the Centre.



The governing bodies of the Centre shall be as follows:

- The Scientific Council, as the  collective management and scientific coordination body of the Centre;

- President of the Scientific Council;

- The Board of Directors, as a governing and coordinating body of scientific research teams;

- The Director-General of the Centre, as the Centre's operational governing body.



(1) The collective management and scientific coordination of the Centre shall be carried out by the Scientific Council, a structure composed of 5-7 members, appointed by the Council of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences by simple majority of votes.

(2) The election of positions within the Council shall be made by the members appointed at the first working meeting.

3. The Scientific Council shall hold ordinary meetings at least twice a year, convened by its chairman. Whenever necessary, the Scientific Council shall hold extraordinary meetings at the request of the President of the Scientific Council, the Director-General of the Centre or on the initiative of at least one third of the active members of the Centre.

4. The Scientific Council shall work validly in the presence of at least half plus one of its members and shall take decisions by simple majority of the votes of those present at the meeting.

5. The Scientific Council shall have the following powers:

a) analyzes and approves the Annual Scientific Research Program proposed by the Director of the Center;

b) debates and approves priority scientific research plans;

c) approves the draft budget of revenues and expenditures of the Centre proposed by the Director General of the Centre and the manner of its execution;

d) approves the annual report on the scientific research activity presented by the Director General of the Center;

e) analyzes and approves the content and presentation form of the Centre's publications and periodicals;

f) decides on affiliation, association or collaboration with other scientific, academic or professional research structures in the country or abroad, as well as with public authorities;

g) approves the criteria for evaluating the scientific activity of teachers and proposes to the Faculty Council measures to sanction them in case of failure to achieve the objectives included in the mandatory annual individual plan of scientific research;

h) decides on the establishment of scientific research teams, as specialized entities;

i) consider and approve applications requesting recognition of active membership, acquisition of associate and external collaborating membership, assignment of honorary membership, recognition of corresponding membership and establishment of donor membership in the Centre;

j) decide to exclude active members and lose the quality of other members of the Centre;

k) approves the establishment and reorganization of scientific research teams, as well as their working regulations;

l) approves the association with other scientific research structures in the country or abroad;

m) approves the status of functions of the Centre;

(n) elect the Director General of the Centre.



1. The Scientific Council shall be headed by a chairperson, elected from among the members of this structure by a qualified majority vote of its constituents. The term of office of the President is for a period of 4 years.

2. The President of the Scientific Council shall have the following powers:

- convenes and chairs the meetings of the Scientific Council;

- represents the Center in front of all structures within the "1 Decembrie 1918" University, as well as in relations with scientific and administrative authorities in the country and abroad.



(1) The management and coordination of scientific research teams shall be carried out through the Steering Board, a body composed of the Director General of the Center and the heads of scientific research teams.

2. The Governing Board shall hold ordinary quarterly meetings and extraordinary meetings whenever necessary, when convened by the Director-General of the Centre.

(3) The Governing Board shall work validly in the presence of at least half plus one of its members and shall adopt decisions by a simple majority vote of the members present.

(4) The Steering Board shall have the following duties:

a) proposes to the Scientific Council the annual scientific research programs of the research teams, as well as the priority scientific research programs;

b) proposes the draft budget of revenues and expenditures of the research activity;

c) prepares the annual report on the scientific research of the Center and submits it to the Scientific Council meeting for approval;

d) approves the criteria for evaluating the scientific activity of teachers.



(1) The operational management of the Centre shall be ensured by a Director General, with a renewable mandate of 4 years.

(2) The Director General shall have the following duties:

a) organizes and takes measures for the implementation of annual and priority scientific research programs;

b) responsible for carrying out the decisions taken by the Scientific Council;

c) manages the Centre's patrimony and is responsible for its integrity;

d) provide funding, logistics, advice and information necessary to carry out scientific research activity in optimal conditions;

e) provides all necessary information about scientific research grants offered by the National Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, the National Council for Scientific Research in Higher Education, university authorities and structures abroad, economic agents and institutions, etc.;

f). supports teachers in developing documentation1or necessary for participation in competitions and obtaining grants/contracts for financing scientific research activity from ministries, governmental and non-governmental agencies, economic agents in the country and abroad;

g) ensure the proper performance of domestic and international scientific research contracts;

h) manages the activity of the Technical Secretariat of the Center, hires and dismisses the necessary technical personnel;

i) proposes to the Scientific Council the establishment and abolition of internal structures of the Centre;

j) is responsible for keeping records of the Centre's income and expenditure, meaning that it may be mandated to sign accounting and payment documents.

k) perform any other duties entrusted to it by the Scientific Council or its chairman.

(3) The Director shall present at the ordinary biannual meetings of the Scientific Council a report on the activity carried out.



(1) The scientific research activity is carried out within two scientific research teams, the Scientific Research Team in the field of public law and the Scientific Research Collective in the field of private law.

Scientific research team in the field of public law, which brings together researchers who wish to work in the following branches of law:

a) constitutional law and political institutions;

b) criminal law and criminal procedure;

c). forensics and criminology;

d) administrative law and administration science;

e) financial law;

f). banking law;

g). drept vamal;

h). civil procedural law;

i). environmental law;

j). Community law.

Scientific research team in the field of private law, which brings together researchers who wish to work in the following branches of law:

a). civil law;

b) family law;

c). commercial law;

d). transport law.

(2) The scientific research teams shall be headed by a head of team, a person appointed by the Scientific Council at the proposal of the Director General of the Centre.



The Center aims to publish a bilingual scientific bulletin and a journal, both with biannual publications.

The content and circulation of publications shall be proposed by the Director General of the Centre and approved by the Scientific Council.

The Scientific Council may decide to extend the publishing activity, change the name of publications or their periodicity.



The dissolution and liquidation of the Center, as well as the destination of the assets under its management shall be decided by the Senate of the "1 Decembrie 1918" University, at the proposal of the Scientific Council.



The provisions of this Statute shall be completed with the normative acts in force, especially with the provisions in the field contained in Law no. 199/2023.

This Statute has been drawn up in a number of six copies.

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