The Faculty of Law and Social Sciences


Events The Faculty of Law and Social Sciences

„Law, Public Administration, Sustainable Development and Heritage in the context of artificial intelligence processes” 20 Octombrie 2022 08:30 - 16:00

„Law, Public Administration, Sustainable Development and Heritage in the context of artificial intelligence processes”


The Faculty of Law and Social Sciences


The Faculty of Law and Social Sciences is a public higher education and research institution, integrated into the national system of higher education, which operates on the basis of the Constitution of Romania, the Education Law and Law 88/1993, the University Charter and its own operating regulations. The Faculty of Law and Social Sciences was established in 2003, by Romanian Government Decision nr. 1082/11.09.2003, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, part I, no. 687/30.09.2003.


The mission of the Faculty is defined as follows:

 1. The Faculty's academic mission:

The double mission - of education and research - is mirrored by the increase of the research component in the entire activity of the Faculty. This component is materialized by the development of specialized research structures, by the amplification of scientific research at the level of the departments and by the increasingly active presence of the Faculty in the competition for research funding through grants, contracts and research programs, internally and at European level.


2. The Faculty's social mission:

 a) The training of specialists that meet the social demand, the needs, and possibilities of the socio-economic development of the region.

 b) Ensuring the effective equality of higher education opportunities for young people with reduced material possibilities, from economically and socially disadvantaged backgrounds.

c) The creation of favorable conditions for scientific evolution and professional promotion for young people with high performances, from Alba Iulia Municipality and the region, and diminishing the phenomenon of their migration to other university centers.

3. The mission of the Faculty at regional and national level:

 a) Contribution to the recovery and capitalization of the historical-cultural tradition by preparing the young generation, developing scientific research, and creating values, to reduce and gradually eliminate the gap between Alba Iulia, as a national symbol, and Alba Iulia as a social, scientific, and cultural reality.

 b) Contribution to ensuring the institutional framework and the material means of capitalization and development of the skills potential in Alba Iulia and the area, by attracting specialists from other areas of the country, establishing, and developing an academic community that contributes, through education, scientific research, and cultural creation, to the economic, social, and cultural development of the area.


Strategic objectives

Adapting the general coordinates of institutional development to the current academic, economic, political and social context, as well as according to the forecasted short- and medium-term developments, the Faculty's strategy aims at the following objectives:

- Continuing and developing the strategy for quality in the field of education, in accordance with national standards and academic criteria for the assessment of universities.

- Promoting a staff policy that encourages excellence, professional development, attachment, and loyalty to the institution.

- Priority support for scientific research, through a set of measures on personnel, funding and logistical-material insurance, at the standards imposed on the universities with an educational and research mission.

- Restructuring of the curriculum, in close connection with the cycles of study programs and with the organization, at institutional level, of specializations, professional routes and university structures.

- Extending the cooperation with universities and institutes from Romania and abroad, through educational and research programs and through the mobility of teaching staff and students;

- Preparing the Faculty to adapt to the restructuring required by European integration, expanding relations with European universities and making the curriculum and institutional organization compatible with the standards practiced in the European Community.

- The application of an efficient management, based on strategic planning and quality insurance, which allows the correlation of the institutional development programs with the available financial resources or which the Faculty can attract through specific services, programs and contracts with beneficiaries, including by participating in European programs;

- The extension and modernization of the endowments for education and research at the level of the current requirements, the continuation of the investment effort in high-performance academic and research laboratories.

The strategic plan envisages the achievement of an optimal balance between the quantitative increases and the qualitative requirements regarding the students and graduates, as well as between the evolution of the number of students and the evolution of the other components of the educational process and of the institutional organization.

The current range of specializations has been gradually established, in accordance with the mission and objectives of the institution, the strategic option being the moderate and balanced increase of the range of specializations and of the number of students, by correlating with the other components of the educational process: teaching staff, educational spaces and teaching-material, services for teaching staff and students.

The strategic plan is based on the concept that scientific research is (and must be) a component of academic activity at least equivalent, in importance and volume, to the educational component.

At the Faculty level, the management is achieved through the combined and coherent action of the two main routes of the management: academic management and administrative management.

The issue of quality management is addressed by the Faculty as a global strategy issue, which engages all components and processes of education, research and administrative activity.


  • Adresa Alba Iulia, 15-17, Unirii Street
  • Cod Postal 510009
  • Locatie University location

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